One-third of people over the age of sixty report shoulder pain. In most cases, the cause of pain in this area is the development of arthropathy. The disease also affects young people who are engaged in sustained strenuous physical activity, such as miners, construction workers, loaders, etc.
what is pathology
- developmental abnormalities. The pathology is commonly found in patients with humeral head or glenoid dysplasia and other defects in the upper extremity.
- Injuried. Traumatic arthropathy usually occurs after an intra-articular fracture. Sometimes the pathological cause is shoulder dislocation, most commonly habitual dislocation. Sometimes, severe bruising can lead to the development of pathology.
- inflammation. The joint often develops when a patient has long-term glenohumeral periarthritis. Preexisting nonspecific septic arthritis, as well as specific joint pathology due to tuberculosis, syphilis, and other diseases, also contributes to this.
- genetic susceptibility. Many patients have close relatives who also suffer from joint disease. They also have lesions elsewhere. Often the knees, ankles, and other joints are affected.
- Overvoltage. It often occurs in athletes who play volleyball, tennis, basketball, and throwing sports equipment. This can also happen to people if their occupation is characterized by constant high loads on the upper limbs (loaders, miners, etc. ).
- disease. Osteoarthritis usually occurs in patients with autoimmune joint diseases. Some endocrine diseases, metabolic disorders, and connective tissue insufficiency (characterized by joint hypermobility) also contribute to cartilage degenerative processes.
- Soreness over time and severe pain during physical activity;
- Unpleasant sensations appear only in the joint area, then radiate to the elbow area and then spread to the entire surface of the arm;
- The pain may spread to the back and neck on the affected side.
development stage
- first. No significant structural changes in cartilage tissue thickness were noted. The composition of intra-articular fluid changes. The nutrition of cartilage is destroyed. He doesn't handle pressure well, which causes periodic pain.
- second. During this stage, the cartilage tissue becomes thinner. Its structure is changing. The surface becomes rough. Cysts form within the thickness of the cartilage layer, and calcifications appear. The areas of bone adjacent to the joints are moderately deformed. The edges of the joint platform are covered with bone growth. The discomfort becomes constant.
- third. Significant thinning of the cartilage layer and its structural destruction was noted. Extensive areas of cartilage destruction were identified. The joint platform was found to be significantly deformed. Limitations in range of motion are exposed. The ligaments are weak and the muscles around the joints are reduced in size and loose.
- radiography. Dystrophic changes in the cartilage layer were detected in the joints. Characteristic bone growth can be identified along the edges of the joint space. In later stages, they found a narrowing of the joint space. Determine changes in the shape and structure of bones adjacent to cartilage. The shape of the joint space becomes wedge-shaped. In the thickness of the bone, signs of rarefaction and the presence of cyst-like structures can be seen.
- CT scan. This study in the initial stages of the disease provides the opportunity to evaluate the condition of bone and cartilage using layer-by-layer images.
- Magnetic resonance imaging. This method evaluates the condition of soft tissue structures (cartilage, ligaments, joint capsules, etc. ). Clear, layer-by-layer images help determine the extent of damage to joints and periarticular structures.
- Ultrasonography. Use ultrasound to detect changes in joints. This method is safe for the body as there is no harmful radiation.
- Arthroscopy. It is performed using an endoscope. A robotic hand with a camera is inserted into the joint. The doctor can clearly see the damaged area. Determine the softened area of cartilage thickness. It reveals the presence of deep cracks penetrating into the subchondral plate of the bone. Deep ulcerations, erosions, and superficial cracks of the cartilage were detected.
medical treatement
- Preparation for general anesthesia. During exacerbations, patients are given short-term nonsteroidal medications. If used uncontrolled for a long time, they can irritate the stomach lining and slow down the recovery process of the joints.
- local remedies. When symptoms worsen, use gels and ointments containing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds. Hormone-containing drugs with local action are used less frequently. They can relieve inflammation and swelling.
- intra-articular injection device. For persistent, severe pain that cannot be relieved by other means, corticosteroid medications may be injected into the joint. Lockdowns may not occur more than four times a year.
Surgical methods
non-pharmacological treatment
- amplify pulse. This treatment uses alternating current to locally affect the joints. It relieves pain and has vasodilatory effects. This surgery improves tissue nutrition.
- UHF. The connector is exposed to UHF waves. This method can relieve pain, reduce inflammation and swelling.
- Magnet therapy. The joint structure is affected by pulsed magnetic fields. It improves blood flow. Cartilage is full of nutrients. Magnets remove decay products from cells. It suppresses autoimmune responses.
- electrophoresis. This technology promotes the penetration of the drug into the affected joint, which is ensured by the action of electrical current on the tissue. During treatment, blood flow in the joint structures increases. This procedure reduces inflammation and swelling. Unpleasant sensations in hands are relieved. Muscle spasms are eliminated.
- Balneotherapy. Therapeutic baths using radon gas, salt water and other beneficial solutions are actively used to treat shoulder arthritis. Blood flow improves, thereby enhancing nutrition and accelerating cell recovery. Inflammation is relieved.
- electrical stimulation. With this treatment method, nerve trunks and muscles are electrically stimulated using electrodes, which deliver an electric current with specific parameters.
How to treat it at home?
To undergo surgery, you do not have to visit a medical facility frequently. Treatment of the shoulder joint at home is performed using a portable laser therapy device. With regular use, the pain will lessen. At-home joint laser treatment can improve the function of your shoulder joint.