Strong pain in the lumbar area, with a background of arthritis of the spine – is a common problem, which is faced by most of the people. After obtaining the us a "reward" for our upright posture (due to an increase of the axial load on the spinal column), this disease affects every inhabitant of the planet, the only question is how quickly this happens, and how they are expressed in the symptoms. This "distressing" statistics classify this malocclusion in socio-significant diseases, and the fight with her should be the task not only of an individual suffering from manifestations of the disease, but also the world the health care system as a whole. Therefore, the issue of the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the spine – the theme is very current.
So what is low back pain? Let us briefly consider how the development of the disease. In his name, if translated from the Latin, literally, identified the structure, change osteochondrosis: bone and cartilage. At the end of cushioning and resistance to vertical loads and the nature has placed between our vertebrae sort of fibro-cartilage "cushion" — the intervertebral discs. Their power is carried out in the pediatric age group because of the blood vessels, which are lost about 25 years, and the food starts to be spread through the surrounding muscles.
In pathological conditions the loads on the spine (sedentary work, or vice versa – the excess of physical exercise), violations of the processes of mineral metabolism intervertebral disc loses its elastic fibers and cushioning properties, reduced its height, it changes the structure of the vertebrae, appear pathological bone outgrowths (osteophytes and zamechatelnye lp), is broken mobility in the ravaged spine. In the later stages of the disease, the central part of the intervertebral disc, called the nucleus gelatinous, breaking the fibrous ring widths, is a kind of saccular diverticulum between the vertebral bodies — intervertebral hernia. The hernia can cause compression on adjacent vertebrae of the nerve roots, you may experience intense pain in the area of compression, even in the field, to adjust the work of the nerve affected. Because of the constant irritation of the plexus occurs reflex spasm of the skeletal muscles, in medicine called protective defense, which on one hand protects suffers from of the spine from unnecessary movements, and on the other hand increases the compression, swelling and pain in the affected area.
In the vast majority of cases (90%) syndrome of osteochondrosis (very pronounced) driven by a muscle spasm! In other cases, the cause of the pain – the compression of the nerve root or the spinal cord directly hernia of the intervertebral disc.
Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: how to treat
Of all the departments of the vertebral column and of the whole man has five (cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal), for a reason larger than the propulsion load more often manifestations of the disease suffering from back pain. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is vibrant, familiar to all of the symptoms and the treatment is important social task, because it worsens the quality of life, not only the elderly, but also active people of working age.

The pain can be localized directly in the lumbar area, and also to the front of the thigh, or on the rear part or the external surface of the foot, sometimes up to more fingers. The pain is often damage in the region of the buttocks, the sacrum, the crotch, and sometimes can be localized only in these areas, masked by diseases of the skin and of the intestine and making it more difficult the formulation of a correct diagnosis. The intensity of the pain may be so high that the man loses the ability to perform the most basic movements, takes forced poses, and loses the normal sleep. This is the sciatica, which in large circles by the time it became a synonym of disease.
Limitation of physical activity. The discomfort to the bike, and the sensitivity at the ends, you experience muscle cramps, paresthesia (tingling sensation, burning sensation of "crawling").
Impaired function of the organs in the pelvis. In the case of intense radicular syndrome, known as sciatica, or when massive Grajewo the protrusion may also violate the urination, and the work of the intestine, causing severe suffering of the patient.
The treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar is often difficult both for the patient and for the doctor. Every person who suffers from this disease, I asked: "How to treat back pain the lumbar?", "That cure back pain the lumbar?", "If the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar in the house does not help – to what doctor to address?", "If the pills and ointments to the lumbar osteochondrosis are not helping - how to treat?".
Cope with the worsening of the degenerative disc disease and assign an appropriate treatment to help you with the following doctors: an internist, a neurologist, specialist physician massage chiropractor, physiotherapist, and, if necessary, surgical treatment doctor's neurosurgeon.
Ways to combat osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine
Important in the treatment of degenerative disc disease – a healthy lifestyle! People actively and properly deal with physical culture and search back, back never hurts! Unfortunately, a few people with these simple truths.
By examining this problem, it is possible to highlight:
- pharmacological;
- not-drug.
Methods of non-pharmacological treatment of malocclusion of the lumbar spine
The distraction procedures. Their effect is in the name itself - the application of a variety of applicators, massage, carpets and cushions, opening the wool, "lotions" and "hate the nose" because of the impact on the surface of nerve endings and the blood vessels reduces muscle spasm and pain. These methods can be used as auxiliaries, but isolated in their application, during the exacerbations of the degenerative disc disease of the lumbar without treatment with special medications ineffective.
Immobilization means. Under these means understand bandages of various design, wearing that helps to protect the spine from sudden and dangerous movements, and redistribute the load when static work. The means of immobilization can be purchased in stores medical facilities and pharmacies, however, before buying you should consult with a doctor that will help you to determine the best in your situation, the design, the stiffness and the supplied brace. Applying them is only useful at the moment of impact of adverse factors (travel at the wheel, sedentary work, etc.), because prolonged use results in malnutrition of the muscles.
Therapeutic exercise (THERAPY) is an essential component for a complete treatment of degenerative disc disease. The execution of exercises aimed at keeping the tone of the skeleton and muscles of the back removing pathological muscular spasm and help to restore and maintain the motor activity, the reduction of the intensity of the pain. A significant advantage of the THERAPY that, after the formation of a instructor person per day to perform the exercises at home, and also the existence of a complex of exercises, which are also applicable to an exacerbation. The most effective way of TREATMENT is physiotherapy – sessions in the gym for individually developed the technique, as well as for the formation of a corset muscle needs a work out with weights.
Massage – known since ancient times, the most common and, perhaps, the most beloved by the patients of a method of prevention and treatment, however in the phase of exacerbation of the degenerative joint disease of the lumbar disc may not be used. Also, to make the massage with osteochondrosis must only specialist with medical education, is perfectly familiar with the anatomy and physiology and brandishing technical with your doctor massage therapy.
Chiropractic care and gaining popularity in the last few years osteopathy in the execution of a competent professional can have a significant therapeutic effect, and also for a long time to get rid of the exacerbations of the disease. It is also important to remember that when you log in to the chiropractor before you begin the procedures is necessary to carry out the physical examination of the spine (computed radiography, or magnetic resonance imaging, osteodensitometry), to give the possibility to the physician to evaluate the prevalence and the severity of the process, and to exclude any contraindications to manipulation. Such as massage therapy, chiropractic and osteopathy, are a series of contraindications, such as severe compression of the nerve root herniation, vertebral subluxation. In the acute phase of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar usually use soft techniques of manual therapy (muscle relaxation, etc.).
Acupuncture. According to recent studies, the application of this popular in large circles methodology is considered evidence-based medicine is unfounded, osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, does not take away the symptoms of the disease, and the same goes for the non-traditional methods of treatment.
Physiotherapy, including the national clinical recommendations and standards of health care in osteochondrosis, has long proved its effectiveness in the treatment of this disease. Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spinal column you are applying the transcutaneous electrical stimulation, amplipuls-therapy shock-therapy of the waves, interstitial biostimulate, laser therapy. A popular method in the complete treatment remains the magnetic therapy. Among its advantages are a good portability and a small list of contraindications, the possibility to apply in the acute phase of the disease. Acting on all aspects of the pathological process, has already been through a series of procedures reduces pain and enables a man to extend the motor activity. In addition, through the improvement of the trophic tissue slows the progression of the disease. The advantage of undisputed this method is the possibility of self-application of a patient outside of the walls of the healthcare facility.
But if all the non-drug methods have proven to be ineffective, then treat the lumbar, back pain?
Pharmacological treatment
The disease involves the assignment to the following medicines groups:
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) are available in shapes such as the local (gels, ointments, creams), and for systemic use (tablets, candles, solutions for intramuscular or intravenous injection). Their action is based on blocking of the inflammatory process in the enzymatic level, with the consequence that eliminates the swelling in the affected area and it greatly reduces the pain.
In the early stages of the disease it is enough that the topical application of NSAIDS in complex with non-drug methods (medical gymnastics, magnet). The expression of the pathological process and the intense pain syndrome use pre-formed, and, at times, and injection forms of medication.
Unfortunately, in possession of a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of NSAIDS, the prolonged use of such systems may cause the development and aggravation wraps the erosive processes in the gastrointestinal tract, and impaired renal function and liver. Therefore, the patients, in the course of time receiving NSAIDS, are also needed the drugs that protect the mucosa of the stomach and regular monitoring of laboratory performance of the work of the liver and kidneys.
The muscle relaxants, that is, medicines, relieve the muscle spasm. Their principle of operation is in the title: relaxation of muscle spasm helps to reduce compression of the nerves and blood vessels, swelling in the affected area improves the blood circulation and the innervation – decreases the pain by reducing The muscle decreases the tension of the device – reduced protrusion (protrusion) of the intervertebral disc – it calms down the pain, increases the amount of movement.
Muscle relaxant for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the spine are available in the form of tablets and malta for intramuscular injection, to achieve a therapeutic effect they must take the long-term, gradually increasing the dose. Also as NSAIDS, muscle relaxants are a series of contraindications and can cause unwanted side effects, then, in spite of the free sales in pharmacy networks, prior to their acquisition, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Local anesthetics or drugs for local pain relief are used for the pharmacological treatment of lumbar osteoarthritis in the form of so-called blocks, paravertebral, when the solution, the drug is administered first subcutaneously, and then in the context of the processes of the affected vertebra in the projection of a presumed compression of a root of bulimia nervosa.
Accumulate in the membranes of nerve fibres, the drug effectively blocks pain signal. The medical internist, certainly, to perform this block is not able, for which you need to consult a neurologist or neurosurgeon.
Also for paravertebral administration are sometimes used solutions corticosteroids (GCS) - hormonal drugs, have a marked anti-inflammatory action. Local application allows to obtain the maximum effect, by reducing to a minimum the risk of unwanted side effects of the drug. That block classes are held 2-3 times a year, to satisfy their need of a physician neurologist or doctor to a neurosurgeon.
The vitamins of group "A". In the pharmacy you can find a variety of drugs of this group, as in the forms for oral administration, for intramuscular injection. It is believed that they have neurotrophic and easy analgesic action, however, a credible justification of their application in osteochondrosis of the spine evidence-based medicine is not received.
Physiotherapy, osteochondrosis of the lumbar

Unfortunately, sometimes a complete treatment with the use of modern medicines, physiotherapy, and massage THERAPY proves ineffective – the man continues to experience pain, it is maintained, the limitation of physical activity, substantially affecting the quality of life. This is what happens in the later stages of the disease, when you form positive, often multiple gryzenia protrusion of intervertebral discs. In such a situation is indicated the surgical treatment. In addition the surgical shown during the so-called "loss of hernia", when a significant compression of the spinal canal and causes nekupirutayasa pain, static-dynamic violation and block the functions of the bladder and bowel. In these cases, the surgery is performed in urgency. The objective in the surgical treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is the decompression of the spinal canal and the nerve roots.
Currently in the surgical treatment of degenerative disc disease apply as from the known volumetric operating and techniques offered by modern medicine, minimally invasive endoscopic surgery with the use of laser and radio frequency exposure, part of which can be executed step-by-step even under local anesthesia.
After reviewing the main methods of treatment of degenerative disc disease of the lumbar spine, I want to once again emphasize that the patient, set the question "how to cure back pain the lumbar?", must count not only the help of a doctor, but also on their own strength, realizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle, in which it is received proper nutrition, correctly applies the symbiosis of the physical load and, above all, it is this belief in a victory against the disease.