Cervical back pain is a disease of the cervical spine, accompanied by degenerative and degenerative processes that occur in the intervertebral discs.
More than 80 % of the population complain of neck pain. In addition, 30% of headaches that are directly connected to the neckband osteochondrosis.
If before with this disease have met with the elders, but today more and more are affected with osteochondrosis neck of 20-30 years patients.
The most severe causes of degeneration of the vertebrae of the neck are:
- the lack of physical exercise, in a few words, a little physical activity.
- bad power supply;
- prolonged physical effort;
- the salt deposits;
- a variety of lesions;
- violation of the metabolism and lose weight;
- a long sedentary work (for example, pc's) without interruptions;
- bad organized a place to sleep (mattress, cushion);
- travel long or permanent driving of the car.
Also the risk factors considered: hypothermia, cervical, heredity, hormonal disorders.
In addition, to promote the development of cervical osteoarthritis can autoimmune diseases, e.g., rheumatism, systemic lupus erythematosus.
The disease develops slowly, but is prone to the progression.
The symptoms
The main symptoms of degenerative disc disease of the neck:
- the pain syndrome. This can be, how insignificant, and a strong pain in the area of the neck;
- numbness. Usually it is the areas of hand, shoulder, shoulder, the neck, can also be a tingling sensation. Characteristic is the neck while turning the head;
- the noise and buzzing in the ears. Sometimes the degradation of the hearing;
- and migraine headaches, weakness of the muscles of the hands and feet;
- nausea, lack of air. Man, it seems, can't breathe with your full lungs, this results in a lack of oxygen starvation;
- the violation of view. You look at the fog, reduction of visual acuity, there appear the so-called "flies" before the eyes;
- the instability of the blood pressure. The patient suffers from increase of pressure, the result appears to be dizzy.
Regarding the pain, especially often pursues the patient to bend the head or after sleep, a minimum of physical activity at hand, you cough or sneeze. The pain can be, so to speak, to "give" in the occipital area, shoulders, and hand. If you tilt the head forward, often experience pain under the scapula.
For a diagnosis of cervical osteoarthritis, it is worthwhile to consult an orthopedic doctor or neurologist. It will be held inspection and investigation of the patient will direct the x-ray cervical spine in different projections. In some cases it may be necessary to resonance and the magnetic RESONANCE diagnostic.
Cervical back pain needs a long, systematic, and gradual treatment. Mainly, the therapy aims to eliminate the pain and struggle with an inflammatory process.
In the early stages of the disease stop of manual therapy, medical gymnastics. More running - pharmacological treatment becomes necessary.
It is also important to create the conditions for the regeneration of damaged tissues, to do this, use drugs with B-group vitamins, in injection form or pills.
It is necessary to observe the mode of work and rest, to take care of a dream, do not lift weights and stop the addiction.
Back pain cervical many believe to be a fairly insidious disease. In fact, as well as the cervical vertebrae are close to one another, at the slightest deformation of the compressed of the nerve roots and the blood vessels. In the end it broke the flow of blood to the brain, which consequently leads to headaches, migraines. In advanced cases is full of cerebral ischemia or spinal cord injury, and stroke.
In an area at risk is located and the cardiovascular system. Some of the people years are observed by a cardiologist because of a pain in the heart, which is always "slamming" of high pressure, and the reason is osteochondrosis of the neck.
Also due to compression of the nerve endings of the patient may suffer from hearing, vision, to stop the coordination of the movements.
In the execution of forms and without proper treatment, the formation of hernias for the treatment that they need surgery.
In the elderly, cervical back pain is often combined with deformation and osteoarthritis of the cervical spine, you will feel the fullness of the vertebrae, etc.
To avoid cervical degenerative disc disease, it is necessary to conduct a healthy lifestyle, fully powered, perform regular physical activity. An important role in ensuring the proper organization of the workplace, as well as respect the mode of work and rest.