Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a progressive disease, which is a degenerative-dystrophic the changes of the intervertebral disc accompanied by the deformation and the change of the structure.

The causes of the onset of the disease. The main reason - a violation of the metabolic processes in the body and, therefore, the deterioration in the vascularity of the intervertebral discs. More rarely, the disease occurs as a result of cervical injury of the spinal column. Facilitate the onset of degenerative disc disease: lack of exercise life-style, poor posture, press the "sitting" behind a desk, in front of the computer, etc.
Back pain cervical care at a clinic
The treatment of cervical osteoarthritis the clinic takes place methods the east of medicine. During the treatment methods are used for tibetan medicine – spot massage and herbal medicine, techniques of chinese medicine – it is, in the first place, acupuncture and moxibustion. Can use manual soft therapy osteopathy (incl. "the sacred and technical," which represent a method of soft impact on the bones and structures of the skull; the objective of the method - the recovery of a correct circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (csf) and other the means at the disposal of the doctors of the clinic.

The treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical the spine is one of the basic activities of the clinic. On the basis on the big experience of work in this direction, we can say that the results the treatment of this disease (incl., complicated protrusions and hernias of the spinal column) to be quite satisfactory. Treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease selected individually for each patient, and takes place in a complete way (in progress the session usually involved different methods of treatment, the duration of the session – 1-1,5 hours). Cervical pain, usually, are removed up to 70% already after 2-3 a healing session. The treatment of degenerative disc disease in the media from 5 to 11 sessions. During the treatment is carried out impact and pathological in the body, which have led to the appearance of the disease.
Characteristics of arthrosis of the cervical spine
Cervical back pain, in comparison maternal and lumbar osteochondrosis, has a number of features. These characteristics are defined, for the so, the characteristics of the structure of the vertebrae of the cervical spine, the dimensions of bony structures that is much less than the size of the vertebrae in other departments. Cervical more mobile of the spinal column, keeping the head always loaded. Back pain often affects the mobile segments (of the roots With-5 - By-7) - determines, in the final analysis, the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis.
In the area of the neck in a relatively small amount of numerous vascular and nerve formations, incl. enter here transmission of a spinal artery that provides the blood to the rear departments of the brain - the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum. During compression of vertebral artery due to the reduction the movement due to his stenosis, perhaps the development of cerebral ischemia and of the spinal cord, and acute case, this can lead to spinae stroke. The symptoms of lesion of vertebral artery - dizziness, coordination disorders movements, impairment of hearing and of sight.
Because of the compactness of the cervical a small the displacement of the vertebrae or muscular tension can be the cause compression nerve serifs (the crushing of a cervical nerve) or vascular structures. The time of osteophytes in terms of compactness cervical aggravate the situation.

Cervical low back pain leads to the formation of the ledge and hernia of the spinal column, which (in addition to the above reasons - the muscular tension, the displacement of the cervical vertebrae, education osteophytes), comprimarea the root of the nerve, cause swelling and inflammation. In the end, considering the small size of the the cervical canal, the back occupies the entire volume, also compremised (compression occurs already in the vertebral canal). The clinical symptoms of this of expressed pain syndrome.
Low back pain can be the cause of compression of the spinal cord, and to the narrowness of the spinal canal cervical the vertebral column is more frequent than the thoracic and lumbar spine. With this in the affected area to get not only the neck and head, but the upper (which is celebrated more often), and the lower limbs. In virtue of their characteristics, cervical back pain often (in comparison with the lumbar spine and the breast), which leads the patient to visual impairment.
To summarize, here are the factors that determine the different compression heart and the neural structures with osteochondrosis of the cervical
- Displacement (slip) of the disc, spine - spondylolisthesis. Often displacement is minimal, because even a small displacement the vertebrae in the cervical spine causes paralysis, and is often the cause of death result.
- Protrusion and hernia spine - as a result of the development of cervical osteoarthritis of the spine and aimed at the inside of the spinal canal.
- Osteophytes. As A result of cervical osteoarthritis on the sides the bodies of the vertebrae and of the joints form bone outgrowths - osteophytes. Osteophytes are present on both sides of the vertebral bodies, irritate the adjacent to him the muscles, the tone in which it is situated. This increases the load on the vertebrae, which leads to an increase of the pressure on the intervertebral disc, and the height this decreases, the risk of overhang the intervertebral disc. Osteophytes, directed toward the channel where it goes transmission in the spinal artery, may become the cause of the stenosis.
- Reduction in height of the disc (the flattening of the intervertebral disc)is often caused by compression of the roots, reducing the intervertebral holes. Also, in this case, if you do not turn the neck is possible subluxation of the cervical vertebrae, which translates into more compression.

Cervical low back pain symptoms
The symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis of the vertebral column depends, first of all, from what has become an object of mass. Are distinguished: radicular syndromes (compression spinal roots), compression the spinal cord, the spinal cord ischemia as a consequence of stenosis of the vertebral artery, causing interrupted blood flow to the brain stem, cerebellum, cranial the nerves of the inner ear. Below are often common syndromes.
- Radicular syndromes, cervical sciatica. Occur when comprimarea roots (the crushing of a cervical nerve). These are the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis associated with compression (compression) of the nerve roots. The pain radiates from the neck down bladed and forth on the shoulder, the forearm (to their outer surface) to the fingers hands. It can be spongy nature, "racing thrills", tingling of the forearm, hand and fingers. Also, depending on which segment amazed, the symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis will be different. For example, with the defeat of the root of the nerve central of the pate will be the thumb, index and the middle finger, and with the defeat nerve roots brachial - ring and little fingers (the rest of the symptoms are the same).
- Irritative-reflex syndromes. Symptoms error: "burning" in the cervico-occipital sector or in the area of the neck (after sleep, when you turn the head, sneezing, etc). It is possible irradiation in the shoulder and chest.
- The vertebral artery syndrome with osteochondrosis of the cervical. Symptoms: throbbing, or "stinging" headaches, involving the neck, the temple, the dark and the area above the eyebrows. The pain is more constant, more rarely paroxysmal, is enriched with after a long stay in an uncomfortable position when driving. With the general weakness body, nausea, loss of consciousness. Can occur unilateral hearing violations: noise, reduction in visual acuity, vestibular disorders. In patients those who suffer from ischemic heart disease may increase the blood pressure, a pressing pain in the heart. Maybe reduction of visual acuity, pain in the eyes, etc
- A cardiac catheter is syndrome. The symptoms of degenerative disc disease with this syndrome are similar to the symptoms of true angina. It is assumed that the contraction of the muscle in the area of the heart are due to the compression spinal roots of the lower segments of the cervical spine and are his reflex response. A cardiac catheter is syndrome occurs in cases of irritation of the roots the great pectoral muscle, or the roots of the phrenic nerve, because the fiber go to the pericardium. Clinical symptoms: pressing pain in the heart. Pain can be paroxysmal and last for up to several hours. Are amplified suddenly he turns his head, coughing, sneezing. You can tachycardia, arrhythmia. Coronarosclerosis funds pain to take off. Cardiogram taken during the attacks does not reveal signs of disorders of the coronary circulation.